Remus Official International Fan Page 金沛晟官方粉丝专页

Saturday, May 15, 2010


男孩施明哲从小父母双亡、在父亲好友林展国的照顾下长大成人、成為養子。林父的一子一女、林浩晨和林佳诺是施明哲最好的 朋友、三人从小一同长大、在林父的支持下、施明哲和林浩晨从小学习烹饪。施明哲才艺出众、林浩晨却生性顽劣、对烹饪只持敷衍态度、反倒经常借参加培训课程 问林父要钱、实则出去和朋友们吃喝玩乐。两兄弟虽然性格各有迥异、但却相处融洽。 施明哲体谅养父生活艰难、经常运用烹饪特长一次又一次的 参加各种美食比赛、以赢取奖金作为自己的日常开销、更是常常贴补林浩晨的开销。施明哲虽然在普通甚至贫困的环境中长大、心中却有一个从小到大都不曾改变过 的梦想。就是希望成为一名最出色的意大利料理厨师、并最终拥有一间属于自己的西餐厅。 女孩程紫恩出生富裕家庭、生性反叛任性、内心虽然非 常敬爱父亲、但由于父亲总忙碌于工作而忽视对她的照顾、导致父女间经常冲突。再加上父亲要求程紫恩和与她从小一起长大的玩伴宗平接手经营餐厅、这令得程紫 恩更为抗拒。程紫恩自诩学成归来、有更崇高的理想要实现、所以根本不屑传承父亲的餐厅。为让父亲彻底死心、程紫恩速速在某知名企业谋得职位、为此父女间矛 盾不断。 两个完全扯不上关系的人、却在冥冥安排中遇到了对方、两个人的性格同样倔强、在不断冲突的同时、二人在慢慢磨合和妥协之中终逐渐 适应对方。不过、这段感情注定要走上坎坷崎岖的道路、一次又一次的失败、一次又一次的被出卖、一次又一次的误会、究竟这段感情能否获得大家的祝福……

My Secret Chef

Starring: Remus金沛晟,Dawn姚懿珊,

After losing his parents at a young age, Q was sent to an orphanage. As he grew older, he developed a love of cooking and has dreams of owning his restaurant. His main obstacle is not having financial stability; therefore he participates in many cooking competitions to win cash prizes in order to fulfill his dream. Y, a city girl with attitude inherited a restaurant from her parents. Due to her terrible temper, all her cooks were unable to stand her and resigned. She becomes desperate and needs to find a good cook to sustain the business. When she meets Q, Y urges him to help her. As both of them are stubborn and set in their own ways, they can’t get along and are constantly fighting. After some time, they finally compromise and work together to run the restaurant. As they start to fall in love with each other, Q finds out that the death of his parents was caused by Y’s parents. Can Q get past the pain and still accept Faye in his life? Will destiny bring them together at the end?